Directed by O’Fresh Oladipo | Country of Origin Nigeria | Runtime22:34 | Short Film
Plagued by an incurable sickness, a young girl sets out alone on a journey toward finding God… the events that followed were totally unforeseen by her, however, her doggedness is about to bring her the change she requires.
Director Biography – O’Fresh Oladipo
Filmmaker with exceptional multitasking abilities, who has had the honour of working with and learning from some of the smartest people in the Nigerian filmmaking industry.
Multiple Award winning filmmaker with over 6years experience working primarily on independent films and documentary projects with special bias for the contemporary faithbased film genre and with special interest in mobile phone filmmaking and cinematography and has made a few projects… FILMS, DOCUMENTARIES, SHORT VIDEOS and others since 2017
Oladipo O’Fresh is the ceo of freshpromultimedia an umbrella company for the new studiofreshpro, a photography and filmproduction studio based in ibadan, Nigeria.