Directed by
Ian Charles Lister
Country of Origin
A film about …
making a film, a film within a film, films I love;
an obsession, an icon of silent cinema, a portrait, looking for Lulu;
the male gaze;
female empowerment and fulfilment;
Turin and its history, architecture, cinemas and people;
me and the film of my dreams.
Director Biography – Ian Charles Lister

I’m not a filmmaker by trade, but I am passionate about film and have always possessed a creative spirit. My work, teaching English at a university in Turin, Italy, my adopted home, has left me little time to develop my passion as much as I would have liked. However, I did manage to graduate as a mature student with a Master’s in Film Studies from Exeter University 12 years ago, and attended a masterclass on screenwriting run by Mike Figgis, a keen advocate of digital filmmaking and the freedom to experiment it can afford. While I’ve managed to fulfil one of my creative dreams, publishing six books for adolescents learning English, including an original trilogy about two time-travelling teenagers, my wildest dream, making a film, has not seen the light of day, until now.